Site Selection Center


Rail Port Logistics Park

1,400 Acres

See Video
  • Location

    South Airport Road
    West Memphis, AR, 72301
    Crittenden County
    35.10599, -90.20880
  • Listing Size

    Available Acreage: 1,400 Acres
    Max Divisible Available: 1,400 Acres
    Min Divisible Available: 50.0 Acres

  • Property Type


Transportation Infrastructure

Primary Airport
West Memphis Municipal

Commercial, Freight, Charter

2 Miles

  • Memphis International Airport

    Commercial, Freight, Charter

    20 Miles
  • West Memphis Muni (AWM) 1.4 Miles
  • General Dewitt Spain (M01) 9.8 Miles

Primary Interstate

3.5 Miles

  • I-55 3.5 Miles
  • I-40 2.9 Miles
  • I-55 3.4 Miles

Primary Highway

2.6 Miles

  • US-70 2.6 Miles
  • US Hwy 70 2 Miles
  • State Hwy 118 2 Miles

Primary Rail
Union Pacific

Has Active Rail Spur

0.5 Miles

  • Burlington Northern Sante Fe

    Has Rail Spur

    0.5 Miles
  • Union Pacific Railroad 0 Miles
  • Burlington Northern And Santa Fe 1.2 Miles

Primary Navigable Water
Mississippi River


1 Miles

  • Mississippi Riv


    1.8 Miles

Primary Water Ports
Port of West Memphis


2 Miles

  • Port of Osceola


    42.7 Miles
  • Port of Memphis 8.7 Miles
  • Port of Helena 44 Miles

Data Source

There are approximately 2500 acres available in the Rail Port Logistics Park. The property is comprised of both publicly and privately owned agricultural land. The City of West Memphis has control of private property through options. Preliminary environmental work such as Phase 1, endangered species clearance, cultural resource clearance, wetland delineation, is currently underway. Utilities can be extended from the east property boundary. Truck route through site is included in long range transportation plan and will be routed as needed. See for more information.

FTZ Sub-Zone Eligible

Fire Rating: ISO 1

Surrounding Businesses: Master Halco, Tetra, Cargill, Watco, Bunge, Louis Dreyfus, Arkansas Logistics.


Electricity West Memphis Utility Commission
Water West Memphis Utility Commission
Water Distance 0 miles
Pipe Size 12 inches
Telecommunications AT&T
Natural Gas Summit Utilities
Sewer West Memphis Utility Commission
Sewer Distance 0 miles
Pipe Size 15 inches
Fiber-Optic AT&T, Comcast
Fire Station
Closest Fire Station West Memphis Fire Department
ISO Rating 1
Lease Price Not for Lease
Sale Price 25,000 per acre
Property ID 1409
Fire Rating 1
Enterprise Zone Yes
Foreign Trade Zone Yes
Industrial Park Yes
Within City Limits Yes
Cranes No


West Memphis Rail Port Logistics Park
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Nick Coulter
Project Manager

8707327503 Office
9015787830 Mobile


City of West Memphis, Economic Development
205 S. Redding
West Memphis, AR 72301

Ward Wimbish

(870) 732-7507 Office
(870) 732-7650 Fax


City of West Memphis, Economic Development
205 S. Redding P.O. Box 1728
West Memphis, Arkansas 72303

Property Last Updated 7/29/2024 10:20:23 AM

Site Selection Center

Site in Crittenden County, AR

Rail Port Logistics Park

West Memphis River Port Park
There are approximately 2500 acres available in the Rail Port Logistics Park. The property is comprised of both publicly and privately owned agricultural land. The City of West Memphis has control of private property through options. Preliminary environmental work such as Phase 1, endangered species clearance, cultural resource clearance, wetland delineation, is currently underway. Utilities can be extended from the east property boundary. Truck route through site is included in long range transportation plan and will be routed as needed. See for more information.

FTZ Sub-Zone Eligible

Fire Rating: ISO 1

Surrounding Businesses: Master Halco, Tetra, Cargill, Watco, Bunge, Louis Dreyfus, Arkansas Logistics.
1,400 Acres
Contiguous Available:

Subdividable: Yes
Max Divisible Available: 1,400 Acres
Min Divisible Available: 50.0 Acres

Listing Price

Sale Price
25,000 per acre

Lease Price

Property Type

  • Industrial

This is only a summary of this property. For complete details visit:

Site Selection Center

Rail Port Logistics Park

Transportation Infrastructure

  • South Airport Road
  • West Memphis, Arkansas 72301


  • Primary:
    West Memphis Municipal

    2 Miles

  • Additional:
    Memphis International Airport

    20 Miles


  • Primary:

    3.5 Miles

  • Additional:

    3.5 Miles

U.S. Highways

  • Primary:

    2.6 Miles

  • Additional:

    2.6 Miles


  • Primary:
    Union Pacific

    0.5 Miles

  • Additional:
    Burlington Northern Sante Fe

    0.5 Miles

Navigable Water

  • Primary:
    Mississippi River

    Mississippi River Miles

  • Additional:
    Mississippi Riv

    1.8 Miles


  • Primary:
    Port of West Memphis

    2 Miles

  • Additional:
    Port of Osceola

    42.7 Miles

Site Selection Center

Rail Port Logistics Park

Property Details

Fire Protection

Fire Station

West Memphis Fire Department
ISO Rating: 1


Has Cranes: No



Provider: West Memphis Utility Commission


Provider: West Memphis Utility Commission

Water Distance: 0 miles

Pipe Size: 12 inches


Provider: AT&T

Natural Gas

Provider: Summit Utilities


Provider: West Memphis Utility Commission

Sewer Distance: 0 miles

Pipe Size: 15 inches


Provider: AT&T, Comcast

Site Selection Center

Rail Port Logistics Park

Space & More Information

More Information

Property Id: 1409 Industrial Park: Yes
Enterprise Zone: Yes Within City Limits: Yes
Foreign Trade Zone: Yes Renewal Community: No

Site Selection Center

Rail Port Logistics Park

Additional Images

Two Class-1 rail Lines with access to Bulk Transfer Facilities River Port Park Aerial Overview

Site Selection Center

Rail Port Logistics Park


Site Selection Center

Rail Port Logistics Park

Ready to learn more about this site?

Nick Coulter
Project Manager

Office: 8707327503
Mobile: 9015787830

City of West Memphis, Economic Development
205 S. Redding
West Memphis, AR 72301

Ward Wimbish

Office: (870) 732-7507
Fax: (870) 732-7650

City of West Memphis, Economic Development
205 S. Redding P.O. Box 1728
West Memphis, Arkansas 72303

Entergy Corporation and its subsidiaries, including Entergy Services, LLC, Entergy Arkansas, LLC, Entergy Louisiana, LLC., Entergy Mississippi, LLC, Entergy New Orleans, LLC, Entergy Texas, Inc., (collectively, the “Entergy Companies”) are not licensed to market any real property.

Information about these properties is provided merely to assist in economic development efforts. The Entergy Companies make no representations or warranties whatsoever regarding accuracy or completeness of the information nor the condition or suitability of these properties. Inquiries about any property should be directed to the listing broker for that property. Used only with the permission of the Entergy Companies. Usage restricted.

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This is only a summary of this property. For complete details visit:

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